[JIMMY CHOO] 압구정갤러리아점 세일즈직원 구인합니다.

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[JIMMY CHOO] 압구정갤러리아점 세일즈직원 구인합니다.

브랜드명(한글) : 지미추
브랜드명(영문) : JIMMYCHOO
브랜드홈페이지 : http://www.jimmychoo.com/

기업소재지 : 서울 강남구 도산대로98길 11 2층
기업보유브랜드 : 마이클코어스,지미추,베르사체,Michaelkors,JImmychoo,Versace,명품,럭셔리,핸드백,구두
기업홈페이지 :

일반전화 : 비공개
채용담당자 : 박서하
부서명 :
휴대전화 : 비공개

분야 : 구두/피혁/잡화류
세부분야 :
매장구분 : 갤러리아백화점
세부매장구분 : 본사직영점 / 정상매장

모집인원 : 0
모집직책 :
경력 : 무관
경력년수 :
급여 :

근무지 : 서울
근무지역구 : 강남구
근무지상세 : 압구정로 343
근무지상세2 : 갤러리아백화점명품서관
지하철 : 수인분당선 압구정로데오역 7번출구 100M

고용형태 : 정규직
근무요일 : 주5일근무
근무시간 : 일8시간근무(휴식1시간)
복리후생 : 4대보험, 인센티브제, 근무복 지급, 퇴직금, 경조휴가
우대사항 : 없음
자격증 :
외국어 : 없음
고용우대 : 없음

지원방법 : 온라인입사지원
접수기간 : 채용시까지
제출서류 : 이력서자기소개서
시간분 : 20250218152434
이메일 : 비공개

기업소개 : ABOUT CAPRI: Capri Holdings, formerly Michael Kors Holdings, has developed a multi-brand luxury strategy and now has three major fashion houses under its portfolio: Michael Kors Collection, Jimmy Choo (2017) and Versace (2019). Each house is still led to this day by its founder: Michael Kors (Michael Kors Collection), Sandra Choi (Jimmy Choo) and Donatella Versace (Versace). With offices around the world, you can find each house under the same roof in our Midtown NYC Headquarters where each founder comes into office daily. ABOUT VERSACE: Founded in 1978 in Milan, Gianni Versace S.r.l. is one of the leading international fashion design houses and a symbol of Italian luxury worldwide. Today, Versace represents its heritage through its strong and fearless designs, while addressing a new global audience which continues to strengthen Versace’s position in contemporary culture. Versace Values: Victory, Consciousness, Unity, Positivity, Adventure, Integrity, Diversity ABOUT JIMMY CHOO: Jimmy Choo is a British fashion house, founded in 1996, with Mr. Choo’s niece Sandra Choi, heading the design as Creative Director. Jimmy Choo has since evolved from iconic shoes into a complete luxury accessories brand that is glamorous, timeless, playful and distinct. Jimmy Choo’s Mission: ‘To capture the Hearts of Women and Inspire Men Around the World’. Heritage - OUR PAST / Culture - OUR PASSION / Culture - OUR PASSION / Teamwork - OUR PEOPLE / Creativity - OUR LIFEBLOOD / Client Focus - OUR JUDGE / Integrity - OUR VALUES ABOUT MICHAEL KORS: Established in 1981, Michael Kors has made his name in fashion as a world-renowned, award-winning designer of luxury accessories and ready-to-wear. His brands include Michael Kors Collection, MICHAEL Michael Kors and Michael Kors Mens Label. On the global scale, Michael Kors stores are found in the most prestigious cities - NY, LA, Chicago, London, Milan, Paris, Munich, Dubai, Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Rio de Janeiro.
보유브랜드 : 마이클코어스,지미추,베르사체,Michaelkors,JImmychoo,Versace,명품,럭셔리,핸드백,구두
기업주소 : 서울 강남구 도산대로98길 11 2층
근무지주소 : 서울 강남구 압구정로 343 갤러리아백화점명품서관

샵마넷 채용공고 이미지
본 정보는 매장관리 판매직 취업플랫폼1위 샵마넷 에서 제공합니다.
